By Alyse Troyer

    Recently, I searched to see what the most popular season is. The results were mixed, but the top two were spring and fall, and winter always came in last. I love fall, but I’m not a fan of spring at all; it’s too cold to wear summer clothes, but it’s too warm to wear winter clothes, making it very frustrating when trying to find something to wear. Furthermore, although spring is when the earth “comes back to life” after a cold, harsh winter, the few flowers you see don’t make up for everybody’s sneezing and coughing. You never know who’s actually sick and who just has allergies, so it’s hard to tell who to stay away from. Fall, on the other hand, is a gorgeous season with perfect weather and beautiful scenery. Going on fall trips and seeing the changing leaves is one of my favorite things to do with my family. Yet, there are allergies in the fall, and it’s also the season students go back to school, which affects how much I like fall. Although some may argue that spring and fall are the best seasons, I think winter is better because of your available outfits and Christmas.
    Your wardrobe options in winter are much more comfortable than other seasons because they’re usually pretty baggy and keep you warm. You can also wear as many layers as you want since nobody’s gonna notice under all the jackets, hats, and scarves. In other seasons, when it’s hot outside, it’s not like you can just take off your clothes when you get too hot…that would be illegal. During summer, it’s hard to stay cool on scorching days because there’s only so much you can take off. But in winter, you can bundle up and stay warm all day in the cold weather. Plus, there are little to no allergies, which is a huge bonus.

    Another reason why winter is the best season is because of Christmas. The Christmas season is such a warming and heartfelt time of year spent with family, friends, and good food, and a time for showing love to everyone in light of Jesus’s birth. Christmas is honestly the best part of winter, and it is the best holiday out there. The fact that Christmas happens during winter is evidence that it’s superior.


Christmas Tradition


My Christmas Tradition