The Powell Post

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The Horrors Of Working Retail In The Holidays

By Cecilia Moore

Photo From Reddit

    The holiday season is here! Buy gifts for your loved ones and enjoy the season. However, if you work retail, be prepared. Get ready for glitter everywhere, cluttered shelves, closing at 11 P.M., and a hovel. Christmas music rings through your head. You feel like you've run a marathon. An ornament breaks, so glitter is all over the floor. The backroom has boxes all over the floor. Boxes upon boxes are to the ceiling. However, you'll know by the end of this, you will have funds to buy presents. The bathrooms are the worst. Customers mess them up to the point where they are out of order.  I have found a used condom in the Kid’s section and two White Claws on the sales floor. Anyway, I love working during the holidays. Candles are my favorite around this time of the year. They all smell like peppermint and berries. I also love cleaning and seeing the results afterward. The money as well is spectacular.