By Jayden Branam

Ever wanted to treat your special someone to a night out, but didn't have the money to do so? Here's how to have a romantic date for the low price of 5 dollars!
First, handpick a small bouquet of flowers. Dandelions, daisies, and other wildflowers can be found all over, so there's really no excuse not to get your partner some. After you have picked some flowers, tie a small stem or piece of grass around them and bind them together. This small act will show your partner how thoughtful you are and set the date off to a good start.

Then, you should begin preparing the rest of the supplies for your date. Gather a blanket from home and some painting supplies from the dollar tree. The Dollar Tree sells Halloween painting sets for only $1.25! This is an easy, cost-efficient activity over which both you and your partner can bond. While you're at it, you should grab some drinks from the store as well. Romantic, sparkling grape juice is also $1.25. Now it’s time to pick up your date! Make sure to walk to the door like a gentleman. After picking up your date, drive or walk to a nearby park. Here, you can have a small picnic. Painting, people-watching, and just enjoying one another's company is the perfect way to spend a chill night with your companion. It's important to remember, it's not about the money. It's about making memories with loved ones.