Logan Antio
Photo Source: Mazhar Ali Khan/Associated Press
On July 30, 2022 the Al-Qaeda leader, Ayman Al-Zawahiri, was killed at a safe house in Kabul. Zawahiri was one of the world’s most wanted terrorists and is known to have plotted the attacks of September 11, 2001. Zawahiri was also known for the 2000 USS Cole attack as well as the 1998 bombings of the United States embassies located in Kenya and Tazmania. Following the withdrawal of the United States Armed Forces in Afghanistan last year, the attempt to find Zawahiri was improved. The C.I.A. had received information that Zawahiri had a habit of reading on the balcony of the safe house early in the morning. Having this information allowed the C.I.A. to carry out a missile strike without any extra casualties. The strike took place at 9:48 p.m when a drone fired two Hellfire missiles onto the balcony of his home as he was stepping out.
Over the years al-Qaeda forces have been significantly weakened, and with the killing of Zawahiri, they are in a difficult situation as they must select a new leader. The decision that is made regarding their decision will determine the future of Al-Qaeda. President Joe Biden speaking on the subject stated that the death of Zawahiri was a “hugely significant blow” to the group as he is known to have masterminded many terrorist attacks.