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Background Check On Santa Claus


By Arleth Garcia


   As the Santa Claus that we know today was back then a monk named St. Nicholas. He was born in Turkey around A.D. 280. St.Nicholas was known as the “protector of children and sailors” He would give away all of his inherited wealth and he also traveled to the countryside to help the poor and sick. In the late 18th century, St. Nicholas entered into American popular culture. He entered American popular culture in New York due to St.Nicholas anniversary of his passing since Dutch families gathered to honor Sint Nikolaas which is Dutch for St.Nicholas or for short they would call him Sinter Klaas which is Santa Claus which draws his name from the abbreviation. An Episcopal minister Clement Clarke Moore, in 1822 wrote a Christmas poem called “An Account of a Visit from St.Nicholas” but it is known more by the first line “Twas The Night Before Christmas.” It represented a drawing of Santa Claus as a jolly man who flew from home to home on a sled driven by reindeer to deliver toys. Santa Claus’s iconic version is a jolly man in red with a white beard and a sack of toys. It was immortalized in 1881, when Thomas Nast, who was a political cartoonist, drew on Moore’s poem to create an image of the Old Saint Nick we know today. So who is Santa Claus? Well Santa Claus came from St.Nicholas for his kindness, but the Santa Claus we know today really came from Clement Clark Moore with his poem “An Account of a Visit from St.Nicholas” Thomas Nast painted the picture of Santa Claus.  Works Cited: History Of Christmas


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