By Nathan Lambert
A man in Oregon and Washington state burned ballot boxes to disrupt the United States presidential election. The person's political views have not been officially released, but this man most likely is a Republican because the two states that he attacked are both run by Democrats. Or, on the other hand, this is one of many people who just want chaos for the sake of chaos.
The only information we have on him is that he has experience in welding; this information was given to us by the Portland Police Bureau spokesperson, Mike Benner. This video shows the man putting something in the box, like a bomb or something. Some of the ballots were thankfully saved, but not all of them. This election was one of the craziest in decades. The candidate for president has been important, but people should let the people choose who they want. The country is in turmoil, but the founding fathers carefully and steadily made a set of rules that must not be tampered with.