By Nathan Lambert

There are so many Christmas activities that bring so much joy to everyone. Whether it is only because it's only for such a short time of year or the festive spirit is so enticing, it doesn't matter universally Christmas is the best time of year. You can do so much to get into the spirit of Christmas.

Sledding is a classic if you have a steep hill at your disposal. You can use a lot of things besides a sled for sledding. I have seen people use trash bin lids, doors, and tables.

Snowball fighting is the most fun, in my opinion, being in a big fight and throwing stuff at each other seems so fun to me. And if you have so much snow you can make a little cover with giant piles

Christmas light shows have always been my first thought of Christmas. Ever since I was a little kid I went to a light show. You hold your head out of your car window looking at all the beautiful light moving around to a beat.

Tree lighting ceremonies are a staple in almost every town and city. You get to be in the cold freezing weather surrounded by people who want to experience the same thing, the spirit of Christmas