By: Anna Dunlap
Editor: Grace Pilkay
Here at Powell High School, our class change is only 6 minutes. This makes it very difficult to make it to class on time. Going from an outside portable class to a class at the opposite side of the school by the front doors, plus a very crowded hallway is very hard to do in under 6 minutes. Not to mention if you also have to go to the bathroom it’s nearly impossible to still make it on time. To make this better, we have a 30 in 3rd block time where we use that as a study hall and sit in 3rd block for thirty minutes. We could break that up into more class change time and maybe make it 3rd and 15 or even just go straight into the 3rd block class. If that didn’t work, we could make classes a little bit shorter to allow for more time for a class change. We should have at least 8 minutes for class change, maybe even 10 minutes. This would make school more enjoyable because you’re not running to make it to class on time.