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Climate Change And Its Effect On Emperor Penguins

Writer's picture:

Marisa Brown


Climate change has become a significant problem in the world since the late 19th century. It is a change in the usual weather of a region impacting the plants and animals. It strongly impacts the living conditions of animals in Antarctica such as the Emperor Penguin. Aptenodytes Forster, more commonly known as the Emperor Penguin is impacted the most when compared to others. With climate change and global warming in the picture, their environment is getting taken away. This is causing a predicted extinction of the animal.

As the threat increases, the animals have been given new protections under the Endangered Species Act. The ice that the penguins depend on for their survival is melting, causing the US Fish and Wildlife Service to group them as endangered. The sea ice is where they feel safe, breed, and hunt for food, but with rising temperatures due to the acts of humans, this ice may disappear. An article from CNN states “Parts of the Antarctic Peninsula’s sea ice has melted by more than 60% in 30 years, according to the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in Massachusetts.” If the penguin becomes extinct, other animals such as leopard seals and killer whales will most likely become endangered due to the penguins being their food source. Climate change affects all living things, but is a larger issue for these penguins.


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