Jaymeson Clark
Are you a competitive student? If so, does it affect your well-being? According to American Heritage Schools, ¨Researchers show that competition can drive attention, physical effort, and learning. The motivation of competing against one's peers can challenge a student to work much harder on his or her tasks than he or she would independently feel compelled to do so.¨ Every student has the right to use their educational skills by competing with their classmates and they have the right not to do so. The real question is, What are the positive and negative effects of competition in or out of school? Ignite Schools Dubai States¨ the use of competition in classrooms makes students motivated to do their work and motivates them to do better on their tasks at hand.¨ American Heritage Schools also stated¨While a competitive drive does increase motivation, engagement, and social skills if it is not given appropriate parameters, it can lead to aggression, anxiety, and frustration. A student might worry about disappointing his or her parents and teachers or losing status among peers.¨ Students will love a bit of competition here and there with games that review for a test or quiz but if you are doing things that can affect the student's grade it will cause them to lack on their grades and well-being.
Works cited: https://www.ahschool.com/blog/read-more/~board/blog/post/the-pros-and-cons-of-academic-competitions#:~:text=Research%20shows%20that%20competition%20can,feel%20compelled%20to%20do%20so.