Giselle Cruz Cardoza

In recent weeks, the Salvadoran government has sent prisoners out to destroy the graves of gang members. Their intention in doing this was to weaken the power of the well-known gang, the Mara Salvatrucha gang (also known as MS-13). This is one of the world's largest gangs, and they are recognized for their extreme violence. Osiris Luna, the head of the prisoners, believed that these terrorists did not "deserve any recognition." I strongly agree with him; however, I also believe this will cause more conflict. Not only does El Salvador get affected by this, but the United States is as well. This gang has a motto of, “kill, rape, control” to control the small towns in El Salvador. This gang has spread to about 46 states in the US, and we can conclude that destroying their graves will make these gangs angry. What these gangs can do when they are upset is inhumane. From past actions, to show the government that they are angry they can kill citizens and even burn transportation buses with people inside. In many past cases, they upload images and videos of these bodies to social media warning government officials. Destroying the tombstone of someone who did bad things while they were alive is not going to fix the violence occurring today.