Rebekah Dunlap

You know the situation. It's a few days before Halloween and you can’t find a costume that will arrive on time. You might have promised you were going to twin with someone, but time has run out and the costumes won’t arrive in time. Here are some Halloween costume ideas that can still get you out and a bag full of candy.
First, we have the classics like the ghost, black cat, and unicorn that can be done easily and can be twinned with a skeleton, dog, and a regular horse. But if you are handy with a sewing machine (and it won’t take too much time) you can get more creative with your costumes. A few that I’ve seen are a jellyfish, a boba cup, candles, and a cactus. Some costumes are made to twin with someone else, like Ralph and Vanellope from Wreck it Ralph, cop and robber, and the Scooby Doo gang. A few cute ones for kids are a ladybug, Winnie the Pooh, Tinkerbell, and Mickey and Minnie Mouse. These costumes have been worn for a while, but trick or treaters still got their candy with these costumes, and you will too if you use them. Some people might think you’re lazy when you come out as a ghost or a cat, but it’s all in good fun. Afterall, Halloween isn’t about the candy, it’s about the memories and the fun you have.