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Haunted House Industry

Writer's picture:

By Gage Snyder


One of the first haunted houses was built in 1915. It was called "The Orton and Spooner Ghost House." Now, there are around 2,000 professional haunted houses open every year, with over 300 amusement facilities hosting some sort of Halloween or haunted house event. Most average haunted houses have around 8,000 paid guests every Halloween season in America. Haunted houses are popular because Halloween is the second biggest holiday in the United States, and around 100 countries celebrate Halloween. Halloween is so popular that over 7 billion dollars are spent on candy, costumes, and activities in the United States alone. Haunted houses are so popular in the industry with sponsorships in the tens of millions of dollars. A lot of the big haunted houses have major sponsorships from major soft drinks, energy drinks, and fast food companies. The haunted industry gets between 300 and 500 million dollars in ticket sales. The big haunted houses spend around tens of millions of dollars on building supplies, advertising, and other necessities. The haunted industry is not a cheap one to get into.

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