Jenna Marlow

Christmas is a holiday that holds many traditions such as making a gingerbread house, drinking hot chocolate, or decorating a tree. However, ice skating is not a true tradition in the South. It is more of a foreign tradition in the South because winters are not as harsh as in other regions. This means it is almost impossible to keep ice cold enough to skate on unless you are at an indoor skating rink. There is nothing wrong with going indoors to skate, but there’s something about a runny nose and freezing hands that adds to the experience.
Many people avoid skating because they are afraid to fall, but it is not as scary as you might think. If you are genuinely terrified of falling, start by holding the wall, going slow, then push off and have fun. The only hard part is the technique, but once you get that down ice skating is a breeze.
Ice skating also makes a great activity for couples and families. Parents are able to watch their children act like Bambi on ice and if that doesn’t give you a good laugh Christmas is definitely not your time to shine. On the other hand, ice skating as a couple gives the two of you a break from all the seriousness of a relationship. Watching your partner get up from a fall with snow on their behind is a thousand times better than watching a kid fall only because they get up with playful anger because their partner can stay vertical and they can’t. This is why ice skating is the perfect Christmas activity to add to your holiday traditions. The next time you are in downtown Knoxville stop and visit the rink in Market Square. If at the end of your visit you still despise ice skating there are many shops and restaurants around that area to lift your mood, so be safe, have fun, and keep warm.