By: Cecilia Moore

Junior year is the worst year yet, and here’s why. Of all the classes I have taken are either too hard to the point where you cannot function, or too easy to fail. A.P. Lang and Algebra 2 were two of the most challenging classes I have ever taken in my high school career. However, Biology 1 and US History were two of the unchallenging classes. Furthermore, if you have not started any world language classes, you start this year. This can mess up your preferred schedule lineup if you haven’t started. I recommend French or Latin.
For some, this is the year you move out of “Honors” classes into Advanced Placement. You should only take Advanced Placement if you want a pure challenge and genuinely love the subject. I took A.P. Language and I would not take it again in a heartbeat. That was one of the worst classes I have taken, because of the difficulty of the class. Algebra 2 was also a pretty hard class, because of the amount of work you do and the large quantity of formulas that you have to remember for one problem. If I could skip that math and not ever take it again, I would love to. The two other required academics are Biology 1 and US History. I consider them to be two of the most stress-free academic classes that a junior could take.
Secondly, juniors have to take the ACT. The sophomore class “ACT Prep” helped immensely with preparing for the test itself. This year is also the last year to take the PSAT, which is recommended for college. You get to take the ACT again in the fall of your senior year, so at least you get a second chance to re-do it. Juniors also have to prepare for their senior year, such as looking at colleges. Juniors should make a list of colleges, and check if they are applicable and have a a high admission rate. Make realistic goals for yourself.
At last, you have to take another gym class to finish the credit off. This can be awkward if you’re a junior in lifetime wellness with a bunch of freshmen.
Some pros about junior year are that you’re an upperclassman, You are so close to graduating, and getting out of high school. You can do this!