By: Kenny Thurman
Whether you were online or in-person last year you can agree that last year was one of
the strangest school years we’ve ever seen. The masks, social distancing, and online
made it weird to be at Powell high school, we were not allowed to have full lunch
tables, we had to sanitize the desks, and were not allowed to be in big groups. But
there is always light at the end of the tunnel. Because we are back to school without
masks or social distancing and many students couldn’t be happier. As John Herrin says
“ it’s nice to see people (he was online last year) and not have to be 6 feet apart”. As
Byron Finger said, “it’s much more fun to be at school than at home”. As you can see
some people like to be in school rather than to be at home, but just because Covid is
mostly over does not mean virtual learning is gone. If there is a code red day, snow
day, flooding, or any other day we cannot be in school we no longer get to chill at home,
we now have to log onto Microsoft teams and canvas and continue to learn. At the end
of the day, covid affected all of us and will continue to affect our learning until we
im glad we dont have to wear masks anymore