By Amber Stevens

Over fall break I went to Cocoa Beach, Florida, for vacation. On Monday (October 7th) my family and I had to go and get supplies we may need for what was coming. My Uncle, brother, and I went to Walmart to get a cooler, ice, some candles, and some board games for if the power went out. It was like a zoo in there and there were so many empty shelves. My aunt, grandma, and sister went to the grocery store to get some snacks and other things food-wise we would need.
On Wednesday evening (October 9th) around 3-4 pm there started to be some really heavy winds and rain. We had to keep the news on to see what was going on, they said that around 4 am the eye of the hurricane would be right over us. The storm was already bad as it was and it only kept getting worse. Winds got up to 55 mph, and rain was not stopping anytime soon. The power would go in and out but never stay completely off. We were all watching a movie on the couch when everything went just silent out of nowhere my sister saw blue lightning and my aunt was automatically telling everyone to get to the bathroom and cover our heads. We were there for around 10 minutes and then my uncle went out to make sure everything was okay. We all ended up going back and sitting on the couch to find out. About 45 minutes or so later we found out that a tornado touched down right beside where we were staying.
On Thursday (October 10th) we left to go to lunch when the tornado touched down next to us, blew out windows of a couple of stores, and took off the roof of a building, there was debris everywhere, and traffic lights out left and right. Police cars were blocking off some roads and other areas so that people could go there and it was like it was completely deserted, so many places were closed because of damage or other things. It was definitely an experience and I'd never want to have to go through it again, and I can’t imagine how people who live there feel like or were put through.