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New Mask Mandate

By: Breanna Naysmith


As we all are aware, there is a new mask mandate for all Knox County Schools. Some may be wondering why we are wearing masks again. The reason is because three families that have kids with disabilities sued Knox County School system because their kids have a higher risk of getting covid. Since no one else is wearing a mask it is making them more vulnerable to covid and the variants. These families want everyone to wear masks only so their kids do not have to. They think if everyone wears a mask their kids will not have to, discriminating their kids out to having special treatment. In 1990 an act was passed called the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) states that “no covered entity shall discriminate against a qualified individual on the basis of disability.”

Meaning it prohibits anyone from discriminating against someone because of their disabilities. The fact these families are trying to make everyone wear masks except their children goes directly against ADA. There is supposed to be no discrimination between the disabled and nondisabled; however, the mandate is giving the disabled special treatment while everyone else has to unwillingly wear the masks. The mandate takes away the right of the non-disabled to breathe freely.

The ADA states that “reasonable accommodations” must be made for those with disabilities. For example how they have larger bathroom stalls at most places for those in wheelchairs. The U.S Department of Labor states, the first aspect of a reasonable accommodation is “ensuring equal opportunity” for everyone. This mandate is not treating everyone equally. It is not a reasonable accommodation because it's forcing almost 70,000 people to change their everyday lives for these 3 families. I also read that “reasonable accommodations should not be viewed as ‘special treatment’ and they often benefit all employees.” Making the disable not wearing masks can be seen as giving them special treatment because they are being excluded from the mandate. This can show that non-disabled people are being discriminated against for not having a disability.

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