Lexi Shelley
In volleyball, there are many positions to help form a team. On the court, there are six spots for players. The front consists of three players, the middle blocker, and the two outside hitters. The outside hitters normally block and spike the ball, while the middle blocker mostly works on blocking and occasionally hit the ball. In the back row, there are right and left back libero, which switches out mostly in the middle, and middle back. These players mostly work on defense and serving. The players know their positions on the court by numbers 1 through 6. Position one is the very back right in the corner. Number 1 is where serving and set happen. Positions two, three, and four are in the front. Position two is on the left, where the outside hitter will be. Position three is for the middle blocker/hitter. Position four is found on the right where the “opposite” will be located. Positions one, five, and six are located in the back. This is where defense is taking place. Five is found in the back left this is where the outside hitter will be. The outside hitter moves up and switches spots with the opposite to play front row. Finally, six is located in the very back middle. This is the liberos spot. This player will cover defense.