Lexi Shelley
PHS has spirit week every year during Homecoming. Spirit week is about dressing up according to the certain theme of the day. The themes for spirit week this year have been Dynamic Duo, Biker Vs. Surfer, Anything But A Backpack, the ’80s, and class t-shirts. Monday was Dynamic Duo. The dynamic duo consisted of two people dressing up as twins, but with a little twist. For example thing one and thing two are a dynamic duo as well as Mario and Luigi from Mario Kart. Tuesday was biker vs. surfer, where you would either dress like a biker or a surfer. A motorcyclist typically wears things like leather jackets and darker clothing. Surfers will wear things like Hawaiian shirts and swim shorts. Wednesday was anything but a backpack day, where people would bring anything but their backpacks. Some would bring things to hold their school stuff that is not their bag. People brought things like a microwave, basket, cones, vacuum, and more. For Thursday the theme was 80’s. This theme was to dress up as someone from the 80s. For example, wearing things like afros, and wearing brighter or neon clothes. On Thursday everyone got their shirts for their class shirts, and on Friday they wore the shirts to school. Freshman shirts are orange, Sophomore are white, Juniors are grey, and Seniors are black. The color of the shirts represented the year an individual will be graduating.