By Shelby Rule

School is important, but so is the relationship between the people in the school. The most important relationship is between the students and their teachers. Some students don't like school because of the teachers. They think the teachers don't care about them and all they care about is the money and just getting the students through the year. In order to have a good experience at school, students need to have a good relationship with their teachers. Likewise, teachers need to have a good relationship with their students. If teachers take time to get to know their students throughout the entire school year and not just the first couple of days, the students will most likely have more respect for the teacher. If the teachers value and care about their students, it will help them have a good year in the classroom and motivate the students to actually try in all their classes.
Teachers need to put effort into the relationship with their students, but students also need to put effort into it as well. If their teacher can take the time to understand the students, students can take the time to understand their teacher. Students need to understand that teachers are also human, they have feelings, and they were also students at one point. If both teachers and students take time to understand each other and to learn about each other, it will help create a good relationship and environment. It will boost the confidence of the students, and they won't be scared to ask or answer questions and the teachers will feel comfortable in their own classroom. Students and teachers are both responsible for building a relationship between each other, the connection can not be one-sided.
One way teachers and students can learn about each other is with bellringers. Bellringers are a simple and quick way to learn about each other. Teachers can ask questions about the students' favorite subjects, holidays, food, dream career, etc. Teachers can answer the bellringers too. Teachers, at the beginning of each class, can ask their students how their day was and how they are feeling that day. If teachers do that, at least one student will ask the teacher the same question back. Teachers can take 3-5 minutes to talk to their students and ask them questions about themselves,