Kadie Bell

We all have heard about the war that has been going on for months between Russia and Ukraine. Some people seem not to care, but it is genuinely concerning. There isn’t a lot that can be done, but we should start by being supportive. The U.S is helping a lot, but there are still people who don’t know. Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022. This war has caused fear within both countries because parents are losing their children and children are losing their parents. For example, imagine you and your family are watching a movie together, and all of a sudden a bomb comes down on you. It's a scary world, and these are the memories children are being left with. It is sad to think about the babies and young children being raised in fear. This is, and will always be, engraved into their memories. An article in The Washing Post states that Russia’s federal security service blames Ukraine for a car explosion that killed the daughter of Alexander and Daria Dugin. Innocent people are dying and it is not okay, why do they have to? Alexander is a far-right Russian nationalist and ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin, but he doesn’t deserve punishment because of his beliefs. Also, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has made potential negotiations with the capital of Russia, Moscow, to end the war. Russian-backed authorities are reportedly planning to hold a trial for fighters “captured during their final defense of the Azovstal steel plant in the battle for Mariupol.”
Source: ( The Washington Post)