Savannah Kerns

Many parents get stressed out around the holidays, but most people don't think about how their children are feeling, mostly teenagers. The holidays can be filled with stress and anxiety, making it a depressing time. Teenagers count the days till winter break but then comes seasonal stress. The stress starts at school. Students are trying to study for their end terms and get all their work turned in. Teens start picking up on family financial issues related to gift giving, travel, and other holiday expenses. Some ways teenagers can cope with the holidays are sticking to a household routine, giving teens some control over their routine, making room for downtime and exercise, getting teens involved, managing gift expectations, limiting social media and screen time, and simply taking care of yourself. Teenagers like to push boundaries on their social calendars, so having a schedule in place can ease conflicts. Parents recognize that these pressures may not be healthy for their families and that the stress levels negatively affect their children's enjoyment of the holidays. Most parents say their stress comes from extra shopping and holiday tasks, while for others it's family gatherings, special meals, and getting criticism from the family about holiday plans. Ways parents can help deal with stress during the holiday season are to sit down with their children to find out what their expectations are rather than making assumptions, set aside more time than they think they need, and start completing tasks sooner. Parents should take frequent breaks and prioritize their schedules. Stressing about the holidays is the last thing you need to think about, so take a step back and try some of these things to help.