By Kadie Bell

One of the most important things during high school or college is ensuring you are studying correctly. This helps the outcome of your tests and even daily work. The most important thing is to get enough sleep and eat a good breakfast, this will help the outcome of any day. One thing that will help students study is chewing gum, a brain booster. Scientists believe chewing keeps you awake and focused on what you are doing. The only bad thing about this is that this won't last so it's recommended that you save this hack for the harder sections. Another good hack is to make your notes fun. This can help you keep your interest in the subject. Personalize it all yourself, doodle things that match your subject, and color all you want. This is a tool that will make you want to learn more. It also can help by organizing your notes, putting in an order can help you focus on the materials without losing track. One method to help organize is by putting your notes in chunks. Separating your notes by category will make you more likely to remember from that specific chunk. It would be best if you didn’t study for long though. So break up these sessions so you can take a break for yourself. Maybe not all of these will work for you but it’s worth the shot!