By Adam Beeler

Depending on your type of person, technology can be the best or worst thing you've ever encountered. Usually old people are the ones to nag about technology being evil while younger generations usually are “too” into electronics. Either way, technology undeniably has been one of the leading factors in society's growth, survival, and possible downfall. Many people have become so reliant and glued to their devices that they don't bother to socialize with others. Some people even walk away from their phones for a single second. However, for those who can control themselves, it can be used to look up useful information or get directions to places you need to go. Some people find it scary how fast technology is evolving and are scared it might take over society in a couple of years, while others want that to happen. Whether you view technology as good or bad, one thing is true, all we can do is control our time spent using technology.