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The Advantages Of Speaking A Second Language

Anna Mata Sanchez


The advantages of having teammates that speak another language in a team are beneficial “.” They” can communicate differently and help the team communicate as well. For example, the PHS soccer team played against a team that spoke only Spanish “. It” was challenging because it was tough to understand what they were saying. Their coach spoke Spanish so he could communicate with them and tell them what to do. The teams could not interfere with each other's game plan however, we had some Spanish speakers that could translate. Not just in sports, but speaking more than one language can be very beneficial. It can help you be more open-minded and even traveling to another country can go smoother That's why more students should speak more than one language. They would be able to communicate and understand others better. It doesn't have to be Spanish, it can be any language. “Choose” one you feel comfortable with and reach out to others.

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