By Nathan Lambert

When you think about it, school is such a small and insignificant part of all of our lives, if you choose to see it that way. Some students live in the moment, others overthink every interaction, and a lot just don't care and keep a low profile. School is what we make it, you can see that as a challenge. Get the most “friends”, date the best-looking girl or guy, and be in every sport. But where does it get most people in life? School will never be just a place of learning. It defines and molds us into the people we will become for years. It is a mix of conflicting ideas, love and hate, and a dumpster fire of drama. It will never be simple in any way shape or form. The smallest to largest information travels quickly. If someone can't keep their mouth shut everyone is going to know whatever you do or say. You will never be able to keep a secret. That is why some students live without care, but like in life that doesn't work. Even if people seem like they don't care about anything, it is a lie. Everyone cares about something, whether it’s a girlfriend or boyfriend, their grades, a hobby, etc. I believe that school will teach everyone the need for caring, whether they learn anything else or not.
School can have such a hold on someone's mental capacity that people will kill themselves over relationships or how they are seen. School can be the biggest moment in our lives, in good and bad ways. You can choose to be a jerk and treat people terribly, or you can be a nice person. But it is never NEVER that simple. You can show your best or worst at school; either keeping to yourself or letting your problems be public for all to see. School will bring you to multiple situations where your decisions matter, but the worst thing you can do is dig yourself into a hole. A hole where no matter which side you try to crawl out of you will just fall deeper. School can be terrible for some and great for others. But in the end, all you need to do is keep going. Think, really THINK about how you want it to go and keep pushing forward.