Rebekah Dunlap

Most people have heard of the Hubble Telescope. It has given us the most beautiful pictures of space since the 1990s when it was launched. But now, we have made a new telescope and it is more powerful than the Hubble Telescope! It is called the James Webb Telescope, and it was launched last year after decades of work to make it the largest sophisticated telescope. NASA just recently published the first pictures that it took in July, and it gave us new insight into a nebula. We had previously thought the nebula was in the last stages of its life, but now we know it is still only in the first stages of its long life. It is called the Tarantula Nebula because it resembles a tarantula on its web. The reason we now know this is because, unlike the Hubble Telescope that rotates Earth, the Webb Telescope rotates the Sun. So we can see farther into space and find galaxies we have never seen before! NASA also found that the Tarantula Nebula houses the hottest and most massive stars known to astronomers. There’s no telling what we can find with this new telescope!