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Emma Wilkinson


Individuals over the age of 18 who have validated their citizenship in the United States and plan to vote to have the opportunity to make a difference in several different aspects of government. Before candidates can make it to the general election, they must pass the primary election. Similar to the general election, voting ballots are handed out in the primary election. Voting allows you to choose who you, as an individual, believe is best suited to provide for the country and treat the issues we face. To many students and too many Americans, voting appears unlikely to make a difference. However, there have been many elections at the state and local levels where a single vote made a difference. An article,, on the importance of voting states, "In 2017, the 94th District of the Virginia House of Delegates, where in 11,608 ballots were cast, resulted in a tie, and the winner was chosen by randomly drawing a name from a hat. More significantly, control of the House of Delegates depended on the outcome of the 94th district, as the Republicans held 50 seats and the Democrats 49." Most elections are not closely decided, but that does not mean each person's vote does not matter. Voting is an opportunity for Americans to weigh in and express their preference for the direction of the government. By participating in the process, people can recognize the legitimacy of the government.


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